Monday, 10 October 2011

It’s done! The harvest 2011 is completed.

We will remember this harvest as one of the earliest in recent years, for the heat suffered by our grapes (and also by us while we picked them!). In truth, the Sangiovese that we picked last, enjoyed some respite brought about by the rain which fell in the week before the harvest.
From the quality point of view, the harvest is very satisfactory and the grapes are very healthy.

WHITE GRAPES for our 2011 Tuscan whites
The Viognier and Trebbiano destined to Burchino Estates whites, were harvested on 24th August!
The grapes were perfectly healthy with ideal acidity for the production of high quality white wines.
The first white grape to be harvested has been the “mystery” grape for the new upcoming Ceppaiano white……in order to maintain this secret we harvested at night time…fantastic aromas!

Tuscan dogs love Sangiovese!
After the whites, we started selecting the bunches of Sangiovese and Syrah for Ceppaiano Rosé. Our choice is based on size, exposure to the sun and level of maturation, with a preference for bunches which are a bit behind in maturation in order to keep down the alcohol level. The rosé is made in an interesting way: you begin a red wine wine-making process, with fermentation on the skins, and after just 24 hours you move to white wine making, the must is separated from the skins and is held at a maximum temperature of 15 degrees in order to preserve the aromas of flowers and fresh fruit.

Syrah 2011
The fermentation of the Merlot and Cabernet  grapes, picked in our coastal estates on the first decade of September.
For a number of years we have not been using dried yeasts, preferring a natural fermentation. This procedure requires maximum attention in order to check the regular and complete transformation of the sugars into alcohol. We carry out simple but effective practices in the winery: aeration of the must, temperature control in the vat and other activities which enable a good alcoholic fermentation to take place, even in a year like this when the sugar level is very high.

Early morning harvest
SANGIOVESE on the coast Despite of the heat of the second half of August and the first days of September, the maturity of the Sangiovese  grapes  in our coastal vineyards has been balanced and really good. After some refreshing rain in the Colline Pisane at mid-September, we had  temperatures more typical of the seasonal average in this area, combined with good day/night temperature difference that lead to a gradual and perfect maturation of the grapes. The grapes were healthy, compact, extremely savory and with lovely mature tannins.

Andrea preparing barrels for fermentation
SANGIOVESE IN Chianti Classico- CAMPOMAGGIO ESTATE – RADDA IN CHIANTI On 20th September, the weather has completely changed: it finally rained and the temperatures dropped sensitively. This was ideal to start the harvest of the Sangiovese in the Chianti Classico area. Before this date, it was really impossible to think of harvesting the Sangiovese at temperatures above thirty degrees, when we would lose the finesse and those rare aromas which are typical of the wines of Radda in Chianti!  If I were to hazard a forecast about the quality of the 2011 Tuscan wines we will get, I would say: very promising vintage for white and rosè that show nice persistent aromas after the first fermentation, excellent year for Chiantis and Supertuscan of the coast , great concentration on International varietals, good finesse on coastal Sangiovese….a little more challenging vintage for Sangiovese from the Chianti Classico, but still balanced alcohol, elegant aromas and hopefully good structure to proceed for a good further ageing in casks.

Piergiorgio Castellani

Monday, 3 October 2011

Castellani Qualità & Sostenibilità

Qualità & Sostenibilità - Quality & Sostenibility
Il 100% dell’energia che utilizziamo deriva da fonti rinnovabili certificate NDV. Castellani aderisce al programma “Zero Waste” riciclando tutti i materiali di risulta e purificando le acque reflue.
100% of energy we use is from renewable resources NDV certified. Castellani follow a “Zero Waste” program recycling all possible waste and purifying polluted water.

Protezione Foreste - Environmently Appropriate
Il 100% della carta che utilizziamo per le nostre etichette è prodotta con materia prima derivante da foreste gestite in maniera corretta e responsabile secondo rigorosi standard ambientali, sociali ed economici.
100% of paper we use for our label is FSC certified and is produced from row material obtained trought a responsible management of world’s forest.

Responsabilità Sociale - Socially Beneficial
Fin dal 2003 le nostre aziende agricole sono coinvolte in un programma di Agricoltura Sociale attraverso l’integrazione di persone svantaggiate e la pratica di discipline riabilitative in ambito agricolo.
Since 2003 our Vineyards host an official program of ethical and riabilitative agricolture.

Produzione Biologica - Biological Viticulture
Le produzioni di tutti i nostri vigneti sono certificate Biologiche o in transizione al Biologico. Castellani sostiene anche un importante progetto di viticoltura Biodinamica.
100% of our vineyars are Biological certified or in transition to Biological Agriculture. Castellani substain an important project of Byodinamic production.

Qualità del Processo Produttivo - Vertified Quality of Production Process
Il Nostro processo produttivo viene ogno anno sottoposto ai severi controlli secondo gli standard di qualità ISO 9001:2008, IFS, BRC.
Our production process is constantly monitored to comply the higher standards of quality: ISO 9001:2008, IFS, BRC.

Ricerca e Sviluppo - Scientific Research
All’interno delle nostre aziende ospitiamo programmi ufficiali di ricerca per la difesa della Biodiversità e la preservazione del germoplasma autoctono.
In our vineyards we host official research programs on germplasm preservation aim to develope strategies and technologies to preserve plant genetic in ex situ genebanks.

Castellani può fornire informazioni e attestati di certificazione su ciascuno dei punti indicati.
Castellani winery can provide more informations, documentation and official certificates on each
indicated issue